What should I do to become a study mobility Erasmus+ student? What should I do to become a traineeship mobility Erasmus+ student??

Answer: Please visit the website of the DEU International Relations Office. The related information is available at the following links, respectively:



Taking advantage of the ERASMUS+ mobility, I was entitled to attend the university of my choice in the 20.. / 20.. academic year. How can I contact my Erasmus coordinator?

Answer: There are more than one Erasmus coordinators in our department. For this reason, after the DEU International Relations Office publishes the list of eligible applicants, the coordinators do task-sharing among them. After this sharing, a list is hung on the doors of the research assistants’ rooms or panels of the department.  You can find your coordinator and her contact address in the list.

I am among the main candidates for the Erasmus+ mobility list published by DEU International Relations Office. What kind of process should I follow?

Answer: Please examine the Erasmus+ Student Mobility Outgoing Student Flow Chart. Please contact your coordinator at the stages where “DEU department coordinator” is stated as the responsible person. Before consulting your department coordinator, please be sure to review the website of the DEU International Relations Office in detail.

Can I change my choice?

Answer: There should be available quotas for students to make preference changes. Only if there are available quotas, your request can be evaluated and your university preference can be changed.

What is a Learning Agreement and how do I prepare it?

Answer: Learning Agreement is a document that shows the courses you will take at the university you are attending and their credits. Further information is available at the following link:


What should I pay attention to when choosing courses during the preparation of the learning agreement?

Answer: Course names and contents are not expected to be exactly the same, a high level of similarity of the course content is sufficient. 30 ECTS credits for 1 semester and 60 ECTS credits for 1 academic year should be targeted. Do not write the compulsory courses that you have to take in DEU during the semester after you go abroad with the Erasmus program.

Can I make changes to the courses I will take after the Learning Agreement is completed before or after I go abroad?

Answer: Yes, you can make changes to your courses by contacting your department coordinator. However, the changes in the learning agreement for various reasons must be made within 1 month following the beginning of the academic term in the higher education institution where the student is attending and they should be approved by the authorities of this higher education institution.

Do I have to do my passport and visa procedures myself?

Answer: Yes. It is the student’s responsibility to do passport and visa procedures.

What is Erasmus ID Code for Dokuz Eylül University?

Answer: TR IZMIR01

Who arranges my accommodation for my Erasmus+ study period?

Answer: It is not the responsibility of the center or universities to arrange accommodation for outgoing students or university staff. Students who are selected as Erasmus+ students by our university apply to the institution they are going to. During this application, an accommodation form is usually sent to the student by the host institution or related information is given about the accommodation possibilities (deadlines, required documents, dormitory / housing fees, etc.). The International Relations Office of the abroad institution will provide you with information and advice on where to stay and accommodation possibilities in the university or in the city. You should follow this information provided. If no suitable option is offered, you should seek your own accommodation possibilities.

When will I receive an Erasmus+ grant after being selected as an Erasmus+ student?

Answer: Payments to selected students are made in two installments. 80% of the total grant, calculated in accordance with the time period for which the student has to go is paid as the first installment after being transferred to the university account by the National Agency. The second installment is paid at the end of the academic year by taking into account the exact period of the passport entry-exit dates in the “participation certificate”. The remaining payment may not be made in whole or in part to the student who fails to fulfill his/her responsibilities deliberately or return of the payment made may be requested.


Where can I find information about the application process?

Answer: Please visit the website of the DEU International Relations Office. The related information is available at the following links:



What is Erasmus ID Code for Dokuz Eylül University?

Answer: TR IZMIR01

Where can I find the required application documents for incoming students?

Answer: The application documents are available at the following link: http://international.deu.edu.tr/en/erasmus-gelen-ogrenci/

I came to Dokuz Eylül University as an Erasmus student and I want to do course registration. However, I have learned that some of the courses stated in the learning agreement are taken on another campus away from Tinaztepe campus (e.g., Faculty of Fine Arts) and I want to change these courses. What should I do?

Answer: Contact the Dokuz Eylül University Erasmus coordinator who signed your learning agreement so that your learning agreement will be restructured.

Who arranges my accommodation for my Erasmus+ study period?

Answer: It is not the responsibility of the center or universities to arrange accommodation for incoming students or university staff. Students who are selected as Erasmus+ students by our university apply to the institution they are going to. During this application, an accommodation form is usually sent to the student by the host institution or related information is given about the accommodation possibilities (deadlines, required documents, dormitory / housing fees, etc.). The International Relations Office of the abroad institution will provide you with information and advice on where to stay and accommodation possibilities in the university or in the city. You should follow this information provided. If no suitable option is offered, you should seek your own accommodation possibilities.